A burnt child dreads fire”مار گزيده از ريسمان سياه و سفيد ميترسه
A bad experience or a bad horrifying incident may scar one’s attitude or thinking for a lifetime.
“Where there is a will there is a way”خواستن توانستن است
“He can who believes he can”
When a person really wants to do something, he will find a way of doing it.
“Empty vessels make the most noise”تبل تو خالي
“Empty barrels make the most sound”
Those people who have a little knowledge usually talk the most and make the greatest fuss
“A barking dog seldom bites”صداي دهل از دور خوش است
“They can do least who boast loudest”
Those who make loud threats seldom carry them out so one should not take them seriously. They are not dangerous.
“An idle brain is the devil’s workshop”مغز بيكار لانه شيطان است
One who has nothing to do or one who is lazy will be tempted to do many mischievous acts.
“Curiosity killed the cat”فضول را بردند جهنم، هيزمش تر بود
It is dangerous to be curious. It is said to someone to stop, him being too inquisitive.
“When the cat is away the mice will play”
چشم خورشيد چو پنهان شود شب پره بازيگر ميدان شود when law enforcers are not present, certain public members will take the opportunity to break the law.
“Strike while the irons is hot”تا تنور داغ است،نان را بچسبان
Make use of an opportunity immediately. Act while conditions are favorable.
“Charity begins at home” چراغی که به خانه روا است به مسجد حرام است
A person’s first obligation should be to help the member of his own family before he can begin thinking of talking about helping others.
“A watched pot never boils” دست انجام ميده در عمل، چشم ميترسه
Concentration on a problem will not help solve it.
“Nothing seek, nothing find” نابرده رنج گنج ميسر نميشود
When you didn’t have tired for search something, obviously you can not take anything’s.
“Desire has no rest”آرزوهاي انسان پايان ناپذير است
Never desires of humans finished.
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“Absence makes the heart fonder”دوري و دوستي
“Men are best loved furthest off”
“Friends agree best at a distance”
“They are good that are away”
“Far from the age, far from the mind”از دل برود هر آنكه از ديده رود
“Out of sight, out of mind”
“Seldom seen, soon forgotten”
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”زيبايي را ،از دريچه عاشق بنگر “The owl thinks her own young fairest”يا(علف به دهن بزي شيرين باشه)
معني ضرب المثل به گويش همدان(جوجه تيغي مي گه از بچه من شل و نرمتر هست)
“Appearances are deceptive”انسانها را از روي ظا هرنشناس
“Fair face, fault heart”
“Never judge from appearances”
“A man is known by the company he keeps”
“A man is known by his friends”آدم خوب را از رفيقش مي شناسند
“Some times severity is better than gentleness”
چوب استاد بهتر از مهر پدر
“Don’t go near water until you learn how to swim”
بي گدار به آب زدن
“Those who live in glass house should not throw stones”
تو كه بر بام خود آينه داري چرا بر بام مردم مي زني سنگ
يك سوزن به خود بزن،يك جوالدوز به مردم
“The pot calls the kettle black”
ديگ به ديگ مي گه روت سياه، سير به پياز مي گه بويت مي آ يد
“Poverty is the mother of crime”فقر مادر جنايت است
“Death is the black camel that kneel before every door”
مرگ شتري است كه در خانه هر كسي خوابيده